Seven things the administration is getting wrong about testing (WaPo)
Leana S. Wen is an emergency physician and visiting professor at George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. Previously, she...
Robyn Urback: Canada should take its cues from successful countries, not from the WHO...
One of the lessons learned from SARS, according to a World Health Organization report from 2003, was that “attempts to conceal cases of...
Trudeau looks a lot like Trump when it comes to coronavirus (WaPo)
For much of their overlapping political careers, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Trump have been portrayed as the North American...
Tracking Trump’s promises on responding to the virus (NYT)
The president has promised enhanced testing and monitoring capabilities, thousands of ventilators and millions of masks. Here’s a status report.
Paul Krugman: Starve the beast, feed the depression (NYT)
Anti-government ideology is crippling pandemic policy.
So Donald Trump’s name will, in a break with all previous...
The Democrats’ terrible health care solution for the newly unemployed (New Republic)
Subsidizing stopgap insurance may enrich providers, but it's not a solution for this crisis. I know because I’m on it.
Let’s explore exactly why Dr. Phil’s coronavirus arguments are so obtuse (WaPo)
Maybe television doctors shouldn’t discuss nuanced issues of life or death on the air.
At some point,...
Op-Ed: COVID-19 has broken the U.S. health system. Now what? (Los Angeles Times)
With the United States experiencing the worst coronavirus outbreak in the world, the facade of our health system has come crashing down....
False Prophet (The Atlantic)
Media-bashing robocalls, chloroquine Twitter trolls, briefing-room propaganda — how the president and his allies are trying to convince America he was...
The coronavirus fight demands unity. But Republicans just want to own the libs (Vox)
The GOP was built to fail on coronavirus.
One of the most striking elements of the coronavirus...