Here’s what reopening the economy is likely to look like: More masks, fewer workers, high unease (WaPo)

The situation at the Port of Los Angeles is a case study of what’s ahead for the rest of the country when it’s eventually time to try to reopen.

Randy Williams can tell you what it’s like to reopen for business amid a pandemic: weird.

Williams, 54, works at the Port of Los Angeles, one of the world’s busiest ports in normal times. These aren’t normal times. In early March, the port was a ghost town. Virtually no ships were arriving from Asia as the novel coronavirus struck China and South Korea. Williams had never seen anything like it, not even during the Great Recession. By April 1, some ships were arriving again, and he got the call to return.

His latest paycheck was about 80 percent of what it was pre-coronavirus, and his daily routine has changed substantially. Some days, he’s told to stay home if there isn’t enough cargo to drive. When he does get the call to come in, he arrives an hour later because the entire port basically shuts down for 60 minutes of deep cleaning between the morning and night shifts. Lysol and hand sanitizer are everywhere. Almost everyone is wearing a mask. He told his son that he feels like a masked “Batman” villain. The chairs were removed from the break rooms after a few workers tried to hold a pizza party there…

To read the entire article from The Washington Post, click


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