INSTRUCTIONS: How to add a post (4/12/20)
- Article: Copy the headline
- WP: Posts –> Add New –> Paste the headline field
- Edit headline: (A) Down style. (B) “Coronavirus” maybe unnecessary. (C) Source in parentheses
- Article: Copy the first few paragraphs
- WP: Paste into body copy
- Note: If you’re pasting a subhead, change to “H3” and end with a period and a space.
- Add final pp: “Read this entire article in The Atlantic here: “
- Article: Copy URL
- WP: At end of that final pp, paste URL.
- Delete unnecessary stuff (“?” and everything after) at end of URL
- Select the URL and boldface it
- Click the “link” icon and select “Open in New Tab”
- Boldface opening phrase and a few other key phrases, if desired
- Right rail: Select “Document” panel
- If you want to keep this invisible to readers, change Visiblity to “Private,
post it, open right rail again - Publish date and time should be changed to current date and time (unless you want it to be lower on the website’s list of displayed stories)
- If a video, change “Post Format” to video
- If a video, in the central section, under Post Template, select Style 9
- In “Categories,” select desired categories. (E.g., “Most Recent Posts” and “News”)
- If not a video: In “Featured Image,” select a good image. (Need to add a new image? See instructions below)
- If a video: Find the YouTube URL and paste it into “Featured Video”
- At top right, hit “Publish,” proofread, hit “Publish again
- Review on website