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How the CDC director became the MAGA whisperer on coronavirus (Politico)

Robert Redfield is becoming Trump's point man with a fervent crowd that has been deeply skeptical of the pandemic.

Colonialism made Puerto Rico vulnerable to coronavirus catastrophe (The Nation)

If Washington keeps ignoring the U.S. territory, it could spell disaster. The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA...

Peter Navarro is the worst possible person to be in charge of pandemic supplies...

Perhaps Trump thought an arrogant bully could kick 3M into submission. How badly does the United States...

Coronavirus crisis highlights Trump’s resistance to criticism — and his desire for fervent praise...

At near-daily coronavirus press briefings, President Trump shares information about his administration’s pandemic response and criticizes reporters for their questions about...

The Trump administration blames Covid-19 black mortality rates on poor health. It should blame...

The administration’s policies have exacerbated the health conditions that are leading to more coronavirus fatalities among black Americans.

Will Trump and his enablers ever face accountability for the coronavirus massacre? (Mother Jones)

They misrepresented the threat. They disregarded experts. They did not prepare adequately. And thousands of Americans died.  And they got...

The plans to bring sports back are truly dystopian (The Nation)

We don’t need distractions, we don’t need Mortal Kombat. We need to grow the hell up and wait this out.

Fox News hosts are eager to claim COVID-19 victory (Talking Point Memo)

Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Fox News hosts are now riding high on CDC Director...

Vote-by-mail can save the 2020 election (The Atlantic)

It’s a time-tested and straightforward solution, and the time to plan for it is now. Even...

Bodies pile up and Trumpworld’s sick show rolls on (Daily Beast)

Real America is freaked out, and rightly so. But Trump America thinks this is fun! And the ratings!
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