Trump set to urge Americans to wear face coverings when outside (Politico)
Trump's planned guidance would encourage Americans to use homemade coverings, like cloth masks, scarves or bandannas, when outside the home.
What it feels like to have COVID-19: ‘Worse than any flu’ (National Post)
Canadians have gone public with their symptoms to show that even healthy young people with no underlying conditions are not immune.
Trump replaced White House pandemic-response team with Jared Kushner (Intelligencer)
At his coronavirus press briefing yesterday, Fox News correspondent John Roberts asked President Trump about his 2018 decision to eliminate the National Security Council’s...
Some in U.S. may not get stimulus checks until August, memo says (L.A. Times)
The federal government expects to begin making payments to millions of Americans under the new stimulus law in mid-April, but some people without direct...
Seth Meyers: “Really!?! With Seth & Amy (Poehler)” (4/2/20)
Really!?! with Seth (Meyers) and Amy (Poehler): McConnell Blames Impeachment for Trump’s COVID-19 Response
Why mass testing is crucial: The U.S. should study the Veneto model (ProMarket...
The Italian experience suggests that locking downtowns is a necessary but insufficient condition to stop the spread of the disease. If...
China lockdown may have blocked 700,000 virus cases (BBC)
The virus is thought to have originated in a seafood market in Wuhan that "conducted illegal transactions of wild animals"...
Seth Meyers: How Trump and Kushner failed on testing and ventilators (4/2/20)
How sweet would a BIG GOVERNMENT be right now?!?
Hospitals tell doctors they’ll be fired if they speak out about lack of gear...
Hospitals are threatening to fire health-care workers who publicize their working conditions during the coronavirus pandemic -- and have in some cases...