N.Y. doctor says he doesn’t agree with Cuomo’s assessment that deaths are dropping (Fox...
NY doctor asks Trump for help in securing medical supplies.
While New York, the U.S. epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic,...
Jane Goodall: COVID-19 should make us rethink our relationship with the natural world (Slate)
Jane Goodall writes, "Of all the things I learned during my years in the rainforest of Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania...
How to actually use the defense production act (The Atlantic)
There is no magic in the DPA’s mere invocation. The question is what that invocation makes possible and whether it serves...
Dr. Anthony Fauci is the ‘perfect man for this moment.’ If Trump sidelines him,...
Once I began recovering from COVID-19, I wanted to understand what it means to be part of a growing cohort of survivors: What...
Trump touts hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19. Don’t believe the hype (The Guardian)
The anti-malaria drug could be ‘one of the biggest game-changers’, Trump claimed, but there is no magic cure.
Why the coronavirus test gives so many false negatives (Slate)
A great test is nothing with a bad sample.
The United States has bungled basically every aspect of its coronavirus response,...
Coronavirus is exposing America’s separate but unequal healthcare system. But will it change it?...
As the child of Jamaican immigrants, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to trek across New York City to attend...
Everything you need to know about making your own face mask (Vox)
A homemade mask isn’t a perfect substitute for a medical-grade one, but it could be a good alternative.
U.S., Britain brace for soaring death tolls from coronavirus pandemic (AP)
The U.S. and Britain braced for what could be one of their bleakest weeks in memory Monday as the human and financial...
How robots are helping in the battle against COVID-19 (04/05/20)
Countries around the world are looking at all sorts of technologies to help contain the coronavirus. And an army of robots is...