CNN’s chyron writer has had enough, goes to town during Trump’s coronavirus press conference...
Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus task force report sessions have been an unhealthy public disservice from the start. Every day Trump comes out to the...
Coronavirus crisis highlights Trump’s resistance to criticism — and his desire for fervent praise...
At near-daily coronavirus press briefings, President Trump shares information about his administration’s pandemic response and criticizes reporters for their questions about...
The Trump administration blames Covid-19 black mortality rates on poor health. It should blame...
The administration’s policies have exacerbated the health conditions that are leading to more coronavirus fatalities among black Americans.
How to get groceries when delivery services are slammed (Vox)
Consider reaching out to local markets, wholesale suppliers, or mutual aid organizations for grocery help if you can’t leave the house....
It’s okay to be a different kind of parent during the pandemic (The Atlantic)
When something outside your control changes your life, it’s what you do with what you can control that really shapes your...
Hundreds of young Americans have now been killed by the coronavirus, data shows (WaPo)
ER doctor: ‘Just because they are young doesn’t mean they aren’t vulnerable’
Two weeks after her husband...
Will Trump and his enablers ever face accountability for the coronavirus massacre? (Mother Jones)
They misrepresented the threat. They disregarded experts. They did not prepare adequately. And thousands of Americans died.
And they got...