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Around the world in 6 quarantine pantries (Atlas Obscura)

How chefs in Bolivia, Malaysia, Italy, Rwanda, Canada, and Thailand are preparing for lockdown. With many cafes,...

Business leaders urge Trump to dramatically increase coronavirus testing (WSJ)

During first call to discuss reopening country, executives tell president more testing is needed to convince public to return to work....

Trump says White House to release guidelines on relaxing social distancing on Thursday (The...

The White House plans to release guidelines Thursday to inform states on how to relax coronavirus restrictions and reopen businesses.

Hot spots erupt in farm belt states where governors insist lockdowns aren’t needed (Politico)

Cases in parts of the heartland are starting to spike, raising concern about new hot spots that could quash Trump’s push...

White House snubs Azar, installs Trump loyalist Michael Caputo as HHS spokesperson (Politico)

The move comes amid White House anger over stories claiming the HHS chief had warned the president repeatedly about coronavirus.

‘Pacing and praying’: Jailed youths seek release as virus spreads (NYT)

While some states have moved to release adults from prisons where the coronavirus poses a threat, efforts to free juveniles from...

Why coronavirus is killing African-Americans more than others (NYT)

Higher rates of infection and death among minorities demonstrate the racial character of inequality in America. We...

So much is unknown about the pandemic because the government keeps a lid on...

It is a tragedy unfolding in real time. At a skilled nursing facility in the Tulare County town of Visalia, 71 residents...

‘Should have happened yesterday’: Republicans press Trump to restart economy (Politico)

GOP lawmakers are pushing Trump to move more quickly, even as health officials warn of ongoing danger from the pandemic.

As humans stay indoors, wild animals take back what was once theirs (WaPo)

It's not easy being a baby sea turtle, hatching into a human's world. Curious children, leashless dogs, oblivious joggers: The dangers are...
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