Is it ethically okay to get food delivered right now? (The Atlantic)
A guide to this and other pandemic food dilemmas.
Unless you produce your own food, some combination...
Don’t fall for the false trade-offs of COVID-19 policy (Chicago Booth Review)
Policy makers don’t have to choose between public health and economic well-being.
The American economy—like those of...
USAA changes policy, will return emergency coronavirus payments to customers (TAP)
The bank had been using the payments to offset existing debts.
USAA, the large bank that primarily...
5 reasons you may not have gotten your stimulus money yet (CNN)
About 80 million people were sent their stimulus payments this week — but if you weren't one of them, it doesn't mean you won't get...
What do countries with the best coronavirus responses have in common? Women leaders (Forbes)
Looking for examples of true leadership in a crisis? From Iceland to Taiwan and from Germany to New Zealand, women are stepping...
Kamala Harris’ plan to save the election (Rolling Stone)
The California senator’s comprehensive new bill could both make it safe to vote during the coronavirus pandemic and inspire states to...
Texas small-business owners scramble as federal relief fund runs out (Texas Tribune)
Many businesses without accountants, lawyers or other professional help failed to get their applications in for the Paycheck Protection Program funds...
It’s the end of the world economy as we know it (NYT)
Experts suggest there will be “a rethink of how much any country wants to be reliant on any other country.”
W.H.O., now Trump’s scapegoat, warned about coronavirus early and often (NYT)
The World Health Organization, always cautious, acted more forcefully and faster than many national governments. But President Trump has decided to...
The Coronavirus is mutating. What does that mean for a vaccine? (NYT)
Around the world, hope for a return to normalcy is pinned on a vaccine, the “ultimate weapon,” as it’s been called by...