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The Trump virus is getting worse (The Bulwark)

As COVID-19 gets worse, so does the president.

Americans have stepped through the looking glass into the mind of Donald Trump.

On Monday, the 3,000th American died from COVID-19. At this writing, the death toll is over 5,300. As you read this many more will have perished.

No matter. Proclaiming his grandeur in the third person, Trump recently tweeted:

“President Trump is a ratings hit. Since reviving the daily White House briefing Mr. Trump and his coronavirus updates have attracted an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news, roughly the viewership of the season finale of ‘The Bachelor.’ Numbers are continuing to rise…

For Trump, America’s craving for hope as deaths proliferate bespeaks, instead, its mass adoration for an incurable narcissist who proposes to affix his own signature to the stimulus checks so many desperately need.

So swiftly does his daily deluge of falsehoods, contradictions, and self-exculpation swell that the New York Times sorts them into categories: “Playing down the severity of the pandemic”; “Overstating potential treatments and policies”; “Blaming others”; and “Rewriting history.”

Reality vanishes…

His idea of leadership combines self-exculpation with finger-pointing. “I don’t take any responsibility at all,” our president told us. His list of scapegoats grows: Barack Obama; the media; Democratic governors; a brace of females from Nancy Pelosi to Mary Barra. When Yamiche Alcindor of PBS asked about equipment shortages in states like New York, Trump snapped back, “Don’t be threatening.” Assertive women unravel him…

Read this full piece by Richard North Patterson in the conservative website The Bulwark here: