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Most will survive, but now is the prudent time to settle your affairs (Newsweek)

Many of us do not like to think about dying, or even the possibility of dying. Recent neurological research suggests that our brains are actually incapable of identifying the “I” with “death” in the same straightforward, visceral way that they might identify “I” with “lunch tomorrow.” The notion of “this won’t happen to me” is hardwired into our perception of the self.

But it will.

And this risk—of the inevitable happening much sooner than we’d ever planned for—is painfully present in our minds today…

The to-do list isn’t long.

First, now is a good time to name, in writing, what you want to happen in the event that you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself…

Second, this is also an important time to sort out your will, if you don’t have one yet. ..

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